» » La Patte de Lapin-Rabbit's Paw

La Patte de Lapin-Rabbit's Paw 2021 en streaming

In Petersburg during perestroika there are two people, Alya and Nika. She is a little funny Petersburg intellectual; he is a French architect. They cannot live without each other, but they cannot together, either in the ancient Lyon castle, or in her communal apartment inhabited by colorful neighbors. Next to Alya is her childhood friend - Mitya, whose love she does not notice. He uses Ali's ridiculous mistake and Niki's jealousy to separate them for years.

Titre :La Patte de Lapin-Rabbit's Paw streaming - filmstream.zone
Genre :Films / Romance
Réalisateur :Nana Dzhordzhadze
Pays : , rusia
Année :2021
Durée:1h 40m
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